To the many, to the majority, or in any case, to all those whom the world will not one day strain to remember, I would
To the many, to the majority, or in any case, to all those whom the world will not one day strain to remember, I would
For some time, I have asked myself what sort of life I want.
I always come up with the same answer: a beautiful life
It sounds cliché. So, I challenge myself to respond to this: what is a beautiful life?
amed with affection. Venus, mother of Eros, spreads beauty over the world, gives vision to an opaque gaze. Her work is priceless.
The gouache opens the world to the story of the perception of Neapolitan-ness.
The art of reproducing the sky and the light of Naples in all its contrasts of colour and the blaze in the eruptions of Vesuvius is to consider the visual identity of the Grand Tour, which penetrated the freshness of the gaze of those travellers who, for around eight years, travelled in order to “learn how to live”.
Within the context of ancient history, Rino Barbieri explains that double-edged, Italian gesture that can mean either good luck or that your partner is cheating on you.
In the intimate confines of these pages, one will not find a scientific treatise, nor a claim of authority akin to a grand novel resonating
In 1993, an article dedicated to the so-called “Mozart effect” appeared in the journal Nature. American physicists Rauscher, Shaw, and Ky published an experimental study
In the heart of the enchanting streets of Naples, amidst winding alleyways and centuries of history, lies a sartorial treasure unique in the world: the
When America was discovered, the revolution of new plant species was very slow: potatoes, corn, beans, and tomatoes were imported, contributing to a change in
The history of gloves begins mythologically with the invention of the Graces: summoned by Venus, who had injured her hands, they sewed bandages around her
In the silence of these country roads, where the sun slows down in its descent behind the hills, I find myself reflecting on the journey.
Man and his insatiable desire for wonder: a story that spans millennia, painting a palette of emotions and curiosity. Since ancient times, humanity has succumbed
It is not uncommon for, without warning, in a crowded street, at an airport, or in a shopping place, the gazes of two strangers to
It was a cloche hat, delicately crafted from hemp knit, with a grosgrain ribbon and a matching flower. It spoke of warm and distant places,